Ország Világ Magazin 1982 // Modell Barna Inci Ilona // Foto Horváth Dávid
Belmondo * Francesco Smalto
Francesco Smalto olasz divattervező volt.
A Reggio Calabriában született Smalto szülővárosában kezdett el
szabóként dolgozni, első ruháját pedig 14 évesen készítette el. 1962-ben
Párizsban megalapította divatházát. Sok hírességet és több államfőt is
felöltöztetett, nevezetesen François Mitterrand-ot és II.
Született: 1927. november 5., Reggio Calabria, Olaszország
Meghalt: 2015. április 5., Marrákes, Marokkó
"True elegance: it's a question of proportion, balance, allure."
Francesco Smalto
At only 13 years old, Francesco Smalto joined a cutting school in his native Calabria. Having had a passion for cutting and fabric at a very young age, he then went to the United States to perfect his cutting technique at Harris in New York, President Kennedy's tailor.
Architect of tailored service, Francesco Smalto founded his own Maison in February 1962, imposing a unique style and line. His goal: "to dress men and help them relentlessly to forge their own style". His signature then became an international contemporary reference.
Fifty years after its creation, Maison Smalto was awarded the label "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" by the French Ministry of Economy for the excellence of its tailoring know-how.
Today, Smalto is a tradition reinvented in the service of urban modernity, a signature that combines the power of the know-how of a Master Tailor and a Parisian vision of masculine allure, imbued with audacity and creative freedom.
p.s... Ország Világ Magazin címlap 1982 // Modell: Barna Inci Ilona // Foto Horváth Dávid // Francesco Smalto saját ruhatár a szekrényemből // a mai napig hordható viselet, imádom!
Francesco Smalto
At only 13 years old, Francesco Smalto joined a cutting school in his native Calabria. Having had a passion for cutting and fabric at a very young age, he then went to the United States to perfect his cutting technique at Harris in New York, President Kennedy's tailor.
Architect of tailored service, Francesco Smalto founded his own Maison in February 1962, imposing a unique style and line. His goal: "to dress men and help them relentlessly to forge their own style". His signature then became an international contemporary reference.
Fifty years after its creation, Maison Smalto was awarded the label "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" by the French Ministry of Economy for the excellence of its tailoring know-how.
Today, Smalto is a tradition reinvented in the service of urban modernity, a signature that combines the power of the know-how of a Master Tailor and a Parisian vision of masculine allure, imbued with audacity and creative freedom.
p.s... Ország Világ Magazin címlap 1982 // Modell: Barna Inci Ilona // Foto Horváth Dávid // Francesco Smalto saját ruhatár a szekrényemből // a mai napig hordható viselet, imádom!
... a magyar akkori #retrodivathoz, amit #magyarboltokban lehetett kapni még csak köszönő viszonyban sem volt ez a #remekmű alkalmi selyem, nadrág pliszírozott, kézzel varrott #francescosmalto ruhám ... mai napig őrzöm, számomra egy fantasztikus emlék a modell korszakomból, ami felbecsülhetetlen értékű! ... Brüsszel '80-as évek divat stílusából kiragadott modell, a gyermekem apjának De Hegyessy Lajos kiváló ízlésének köszönhetően ...
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